Sub-Assemblies: Instead of bring processed parts, we are providing the service on site and based on kaizen activity, we are able to provide cost saving in logistics...
Sequencing: unload, pick & deliver the parts in accordance with customer broacast by using special dollies...
Returnables: sorting per supplier, palletizing, loading to trailer & ship to US cross docks/direct routes (special feature of returnable process is to control number of tote by Customs requirement - US/MX border)...
Cross Dock: shuttles reception with materials to unload & build main routes under Customer unloading date sequence...
CAMEX is a company that have a very important area known as: CONSORTIUM as it consists of several companies that are developing theirs products in our building.
Be a Logistics Cost Reducer thru all Consortium services...
Copyright © CAMEX LL
Processes design with the automotive production systems application.
Motivating environment for learneng & continuos improvement.
A people growth thru a dynamic cross training.
A flexible alignment to customer needs.